Competitors Spectators Marshals Residents

Residents Information packs are due to be distributed two weeks before the event.

Here are some FAQs for residents and businesses who may be affected by the road closure.

The organisers will be at Havenstreet Market on Saturday 28th September to answer any questions residents may have – do come along and talk to us!

Which roads will be closed?

The map below shows which roads will be fully closed and which will remain open for residents. Havenstreet village will remain accessible via Combley Rd.

How long will the closure be in place?

The closure will be between 6am and 8pm.

If the road is closed outside my house, will I be able to come and go?

There will be safe opportunities during the day should access or egress be required. If there is an emergency, we will be as accommodating as possible. All landlocked properties will receive an information pack containing the schedule for the day and contact details for Rally Control should there be any issues.

Can I stay at home while the rally is happening?

Of course – in fact, many residents alongside rally special stages take the opportunity to invite friends over and enjoy the spectacle. Provided everyone is in a safe place and heed the instructions of officials and marshals there is no problem.

What happens if there’s an accident and my property is damaged?

All events permitted by the governing body, Motorsport UK are covered by their master insurance agreement to a maximum of £100 million.

Will the rally cars be noisy?

They can be, but it’s important to understand that all rally cars undergo a strict scrutineering and noise testing process. They must all compete in a road legal condition with an MOT and tax if applicable.