The Annual General Meeting and awards presentation will be held at The Chequers Inn, Rookley from 6pm on Friday 7th March 2025. If you are not eating, please arrive around 7pm as the AGM itself will start at approximately 7:15pm with the awards presentation taking place afterwards.
Those wishing to eat may order a carvery (with vegetarian option) at a cost of £12 per member or £18.25 per non-member. Please fill in this form and pay via PayPal to with your individual/group name as the reference. The deadline for orders is Monday 3rd March.
A reminder that in order to take part in any discussions and vote at the AGM you must be a member – renew now if you haven’t already!
Provisional Minutes of 2025 AGM
37 members in attendance
Apologies: Andy Williams, Terry Weaver, Adam Froment, Robbie Cooper, Jake Jarrold
Meeting opened 19:20
Chairman’s Welcome
– Malcolm Smith welcomed Colin & Thelma Bell, family of Ray Bell after whom the “best clubman” trophy is dedicated. Also, Allan & Denise Marsh.
– Martin Wallis was introduced and spoke briefly about the forthcoming Sporting Trials event at Gatcombe, 17-18th May, to be held jointly with the Historic Sporting Trials Association. Members are encouraged to assist with marshaling.
– A new venue for 2025 is the IW Steam Railway at Havenstreet. Requires a Saturday event as they are open on a Sunday.
– 2024 minutes proposed by Wayne Dunne. Seconded by Rob Highmore. All in favour.
Secretary’s Report
– The Autotest championship and junior drivers are thriving; there remains a real family atmosphere at events which is great to see.
– Sandown Sprint once again a success and the change in format to use Fort St for the paddock was well received.
– Island Stages ran as a modest closed road event. Eyes across the country were on the format as many “full” stages events have been proposed and failed to run as clubs can’t find the resources to make them happen. Thanks to all who put effort into the event; the club is definitely punching above its weight.
– The Sporting Trials event is a welcome addition to the calendar and yet more variety to members. Please contact Rob Highmore if you wish to marshal.
– IOWCC is now an ASEMC (Association of South Eastern Motor Clubs) member club. This means that our members can compete in any interclub event run by member clubs of that organisation. Members were reminded that IOWCC is also a member of the ASWMC (South Western) and ACSMC (Central Southern) regional associations.
– Online first aid courses are available for members who wish to become qualified. The club will cover the cost. Please contact Rob Highmore to register your interest.
Treasurer’s Report
– Toby Allen advised there may be a proposal for a constitution change next year if necessary to allow more flexibility in the format of the accounts presented to members.
– Club funds remain very healthy. There was approx £19k in the bank account last year, with approx £23k this year.
– Thanks for sponsors for all events throughout the year. They make a huge difference.
– The club received a £400 BMSTT grant to cover safety equipment for the Island Stages.
– A new gazebo has been purchased, as well as new cones. New wireless timing gear will be purchased shortly.
– The club has been able to subsidise meals at the Christmas Dinner and AGM.
– Future planning is needed for funds. Having a healthy amount in the bank helps run the larger events, but without an aspiration to purchase land and lay down some tarmac, we have sufficient capital.
– Club charity nominations are welcome; otherwise the committee will make a decision.
Election of Officers and Committee
– Malcolm Smith thanked Sue Mitchell and Jake Jarrold for their efforts as they stand down from the committee. Both will carry on in their Safeguarding and Scrutineering roles.
– Malcolm Smith advised Paul Whittington is also willing to stand for the committee.
– Election of the President (Terry Weaver), Vice Presidents (Phil Rudd, Andy Williams), Chairman (Malcolm Smith), Secretary (Joseph Moore) and Treasurer (Toby Allen)
– Election of the Committee: Robbie Cooper, Adam Froment, Peter Genari, Rob Highmore, James Robbins, Harry Samuel, Keith Thomas, Kathy Wheeler, Paul Whittington
– Proposed en masse by Phil Rudd, seconded by Gary Childs. All in favour.
Proposed changes to Championship Regulations
– Tyre rules are a perennial issue.
– These changes only relate to collecting points for the championship and do not affect individual event standings.
– Only championship contenders would be eligible for the Turbine Trophy.
– Jake Jarrold (via Malcolm Smith) raised concerns about those using budget tyres having to purchase new tyres.
– Kathy Wheeler questioned the Youth Championship. That would also be covered by these new rules.
– Dave Leppard asked about sealed vs unsealed. No dispensation; it applies to every championship event.
– Vote: 15 for, 3 against, 19 abstain.
– There is an aim to put updated Championship regulation wording to members in good time ahead of 2026. This may be via a poll or EGM as necessary.
Meeting closed 20:00
Proposal: Changes to Championship Regulations for 2026
Proposed by Kevin Richardson, seconded by Dan Young, Wayne Hole, Dave Goodwin
I would like to put forward a proposal for a new IOWCC tyre rule.
I personally believe my tyre rule proposal would promote fair competition without discriminating new members or people who do not wish to commit to a full season. So I present – The 2026 Tyre Rule
- All classes stay the same 1-5 divided by the modifications to the car
- To gain points in the IOWCC autotest championship, competitors MUST use tyres that are on the current years 1A tyre list
- Club members can still use other tyres that are not on the 1B or 1C list (knobbly – slicks etc) however they will not gain championship points
- This rule would come into effect for the 2026 season
My thoughts on why this would be good for the club.
- We currently interpret the tyre rule completely differently to every other autotest club in the UK & at any time Motorsport UK could intervene in our current tyre rule.
- New members can still take part in autotesting with the tyres that are on their car as long as they are not on the 1B or 1C list, however they will not have points towards the championship – I believe most new members will understand this and use this time to learn the sport and when they feel the time is right to compete in the championship would buy compliant tyres.
- Club members still wanting to turn up for the odd event just for fun and use slick tyres or knobbly can still do so, however, they will not get championship points.
- The reason for choosing 2026 for the rule to come into effect is that members have plenty of time to prepare
Kevin Richardson