Minutes of Committee Meeting, 25th May 2011


Malcolm Smith, Phil Rudd, Steve Wells, Dan Westwood, Brian Robbins, Toby Allen, Matt Price, Paul Wills, Rich Weaver, Andy Williams, Steve Stotesbury, Rebecca French.


Russell Thompson, Daniel Morgan, Gordon Bushell.

Approval of previous meetings minutes:

Mins are a accurate representation of the previous meeting.

Matters arising from previous meetings mins:

Estimate obtained for sign writing the club trailer, a design will be formalized at the next event and quotes obtained.

Dan to up-date the website to show that new drivers must provide a valid driving licence.

Membership Report:

Report not available at the time.

Steve Wells tenders his resignation as Mem Sec.

Toby Allen Proposses Matt Price as new Mem Sec Phil Rudd seconds.

Voted, carried unnanamously.

Committee wishes to thank Steve for all of his hard work.

Treasurers Report:

Accounts as at 28/04/11

Current account                 £3127.91

Saver account                     £2055.46

Total                                       £5183.37


New Members:

Committee decides to revert back to committee vetting of all new full members.

A day member list shall be presented at the next committee meeting after an event to assess day member’s eligibility to become full members.

New members applications considered from event dated 24/04/11 (IoW College).

Inturnal communications:

Chairman strongly reminds ALL committee members that committee communications are ONLY for committee members and MUST not be passed to third parties.


Knighton permit obtained .

Newport football club discussed.

RW to speak to Atherfield, R.E. impending event

Blue Book and Events:

“WT” times from previous event to be reinstated and points allocated to point scorers, Times to be changed to slowest time in class plus 30 seconds.

Risk assessments to be completed for new venues, current assessments to be re-checked prior to each event to ensure compliance.

Martyn Culters concerns discussed:

NFA, all matters are in hand

MSA’s Motorsport Week:

Club doesn’t want to be involved.


RW to arrange delivery of club trailer to Knighton event.

Martyn Culter to investigate showing the “Aryton Senna” film at the Quay Arts for a private showing for members.

Presccot Hill Climb, 31st July, information discussed more to follow.


Next meeting 29th June @ Camphill

Meeting closed 10:40


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